Redistricting Process - Phase 2

Redistricting Process Phase 2 Timeline

The second phase of Anne Arundel County Public Schools' comprehensive redistricting process will begin in February 2025 and culminate with a plan scheduled to be adopted by the Board of Education in November 2025.

New boundaries for schools in the Annapolis, Arundel, Broadneck, Crofton, Severna Park, South River, and Southern clusters. As it did in Phase 1 of the redistricting process, AACPS will work with WXY to examine enrollment patterns across the schools in the clusters.

The Board of Education will receive information about the process and potential scenarios (NOT recommendations) developed by WXY at a public workshop on January 27, 2025. The workshop is open to the public, but no public comment or questions will be taken at that time. The workshop will be streamed live on AACPS' YouTube channel and broadcast live on AACPS-TV.

Scenarios developed by consultant WXY for Phase 2 of Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ comprehensive redistricting process are now available. Click here to view the scenarios and leave comment by May 1.

There will be multiple avenues for public comment throughout this process. Resources to further inform families, staff, and community members can be found below. These resources will be updated as the process progresses.
