Military Family Support
AACPS is among the 25 largest school systems with the most military-connected students in the United States and is home to approximately 8,000 military-connected children, most of whom are being educated in the AACPS school system.
One of the key issues facing military families is frequent transitioning from one installation to the next. For these children to have an equal opportunity for academic success, it is important that our educators understand the unique situations experienced by the children of our service members.
AACPS implements the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, to which the State of Maryland is a signatory, to ensure that school personnel (particularly school counselors, high school registrars, and those responsible for registration at elementary and middle schools) are aware of, and able to respond appropriately to common concerns that affect military-connected children as a result of frequent moves and deployments.*
*Adapted from the AACPS Strategic Plan
Key AACPS Links
Magnet Programs - AACPS offers several magnet programs to middle and high school students. If you are moving off-cycle and would like to speak to someone about the possibility of your student participating in one of these programs, please contact Dwight Jefferson (Director, College and Career Readiness-Secondary): and/or 410-222-5000
Military Resources
School Liaison Officers - offer an array of services and resources to support military-connected students, parents, installation leadership, schools and the surrounding community. SLOs are particularly well-situated to assist during a family’s transition into a new school system.
Military OneSource - an incredibly helpful resource with guides for families transitioning schools; links to military-specific information; and access to experts who are available to speak via phone or online chat.
MCEC - (Military Child Education Coalition) an organization to help military-connected children by providing them, their parents, and professionals with programs, resources, and guidance—helping the child stay on course academically, socially, and emotionally.
SchoolQuest - free online tool to help military families manage school transitions
more effectively.
Family of Heroes - Role-play simulation for military families
Military Child Interstate Compact (MIC3) - resources to explain the compact and supporting military families transitioning to new schools. - Free online tutoring and homework help for US Military members and their families. This service is especially invaluable in helping students bridge gaps created by moves between school systems. - Department of Defense online request for care system that helps families in any service branch find and request military-operated child care worldwide. Look for full- or part-time care at facility- or home-based child care programs, including before- and after-school care, or for summer and holidays.
Childcare Aware of America - Child Care Aware® of America partners with the United States Military and Department of Defense to serve and support their families through the Fee Assistance and Respite Child Care Programs. They have served more than 10 million families and have created a network of more than 10,000 licensed child care providers.
Anne Arundel County Child Care - childcare options provided through the county for both before/after school and summer needs.