Title I

Title I is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. The legislation provides federal funds to help students in schools with high economic needs achieve high standards. The specific objective of the Title I program is to enable all students to master challenging curricula and meet state and local academic standards.

Title I Schools (view current list of schools below) in Anne Arundel County Public Schools receive the following services when they become eligible for the Title I program:

  • Technical assistance from an instructional specialist on a consistent basis

  • Additional teaching professionals and/or paraeducators

  • Extended Learning Opportunities Summer Soar Program

  • Family Involvement funds

  • Use of supplemental funds which may be used for instructional materials, extended day programs, professional development, and schoolwide initiatives.

By law, schools are required to:

  • develop Home School-Parent compacts

  • develop a school level Parent & Family Engagement Plan

  • host Title I Parent input meetings

  • if requested, provide the teacher's instructional qualifications

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Title I, Part A