Birth-5 Services

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Point Pleasant Resource Center: 410-424-3260

Sonya McElroy Director, Birth-5 Programming and Service Accountability, 410-424-3268 

Erin Simmons, Coordinator, Birth-5 Coordinator (ITP Focus)

Jean Raymond, Acting Birth-5 Coordinator (3-5 Services through Kindergarten)

Did you know your baby, toddler or young child may be eligible for special education or other services well before they are ready to enter kindergarten?

The Anne Arundel County Public Schools Birth-5 Programs provide free diagnostic and intervention services for residents of Anne Arundel County. These services are provided to all children who are demonstrating qualifying delays or disabilities for educational services. The child and family centered services are guided by jointly created Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) or Individualized Education Plans (IEP). These plans are created by teams of parents, educators, and service providers. The services provided can be directed at any area of development and are delivered in diverse modalities to ensure the greatest level of support for children and families and are inclusive of kindergarten. It would be our pleasure to support you and your child in their development to give them the best chance possible for academic success later in life. For more information about the services your child may be eligible for, please click the appropriate link below.