This Wednesday, Nov. 13th is the next CKLA Family Night! Learn all about the new CKLA elementary literacy curriculum! 🗓️ When: Wed. Nov 13, 5:30 p.m. 📍 Where: South River High School Register here: We truly look forward to seeing you there!
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
CKLA Family Night
Due to a PowerSchool issue, some families are having difficulty opening report cards being sent by schools today. Schools have been instructed to stop sending report cards until PowerSchool can rectify the issue. Families who have already received report cards should wait until this evening to attempt to open them.
4 months ago, AACPS
Important notice
A huge THANK YOU to the veterans who have served our nation and are now serving our school system! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, AACPS
Veterans Day salute artwork
Thank you, Veterans! Honoring all who served
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Thank you, Veterans! Honoring all who served image of American Flag
Celebrating International STEM Day November 8 Science - Technology - Engineering - Mathematics #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Celebrating International STEM Day November 8 Science - Technology - Engineering - Mathematics #BelongGrowSucceed
Join host Katie Holmes and three outstanding student-athletes from Severna Park High School to learn how they are taking it to The Next Level. #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, AACPS
Host and guests on The Next Level
On this week’s edition of Thursday Thoughts, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bedell talks about AACPS’ new Learning Management System and the importance of collaboration with employee bargaining units. #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, AACPS
Dr. Mark Bedell with union leadership
Reminder: The application for Magnet programs will be closing today, November 7, 2024, at noon. Apply to a Magnet Program:
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Magnet Program icons: APEXArts,  BioMedical, IB, JROTC,  STEM, CAT-north, and CAT-south
Family Academy presents College Financial Aid Nights for all families! Join us to learn about how to apply for college financial aid, including information on financial aid options for international students. Register at Interpreters available upon request.
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Family Academy Financial Aid Nights
It's another beautiful, late fall day outside and whether you're already out and about or just need something to do, head to any Always Ice Cream Company location and pick up a scoop (or two, or a pint, or ...) of the official AACPS flavor, Smart Cookie! The flavor is available all month long and a portion of the proceeds goes to the Education Foundation of AACPS to give back to our students and schools! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed #WeLoveIceCream
4 months ago, AACPS
Always Ice Cream Company storefront
Boy with ice cream
Woman being served ice cream
Smart Cookie ice cream
Dr. Bedell getting ice cream
Education Foundation Members  with ice cream
It's Family Academy Friday! Family Academy Newsletter: Visit the Family Academy at! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Family Academy Fridays
Growing a great team takes investment, so we sent teams from Human Resources, Professional Learning and Organizational Advancement, and Curriculum and Assessments to recruit the best and brightest at the University of Maryland College Park. #StrategicPlanPriority3 #BelongGrowSucceed #AACPSFamily #WeLoveTerpsInAACPS To see our Strategic Plan, go to
4 months ago, AACPS
AACPS Recruiting Team at University of Maryland
Reminder: The application for Magnet programs will be closing on November 7, 2024, at noon. Apply to a Magnet Program:
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Magnet Program icons: APEXArts,  BioMedical, IB, JROTC,  STEM, CAT-north, and CAT-south
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Family Link Newsletter - puzzle pieces containing images of students, parents, and community members
Join the AACPS Office of Elementary Curriculum & Instruction for an exciting event about the new CKLA elementary literacy curriculum! 🗓️ When: Nov. 7, 5:30 p.m. 📍 Where: Severn Run High School Register here:
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
CKLA event flyer
This week's Thursday Thoughts from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bedell focus on voting and teaching students about their right to vote. #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSuceed
4 months ago, AACPS
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bedell
Did you miss the October 16 presentation to the Board of Education on AACPS' proposed new Learning Management System? Watch it and hear questions posed by the Board here.
4 months ago, AACPS
Learning Management System presentation slide
Dr. Mark Bedell and Senior Legislative and Policy Specialist Grace Wilson clear up misconceptions about the work of the Innovative School Scheduling Workgroup.
4 months ago, AACPS
Innovative School Scheduling Workgroup artwork
Have you heard the news? Always Ice Cream is offering an EXCLUSIVE Anne Arundel County Public Schools flavor in November, with a portion of sales benefitting the Education Foundation of AACPS! Check out more at the link below and stay tuned for the flavor reveal on October 24! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, AACPS
AACPS, Always Ice Cream logos
Parent Portal Account It's Family Academy Friday! Look for featured content every other Friday on AACPS social media or visit! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
4 months ago, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Family Academy Fridays - AACPS Parent Portal