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The Board of Education of Anne Arundel County will receive an update on the school system’s readiness for the 2024-2025 school year at its next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, August 21, 2024The school year begins for most students on Monday, August 26, 2024.

The report to the Board will focus on student enrollment and programs, staff recruiting successes and existing vacancies, and the preparation of facilities for the new school year.

The meeting will begin at noon and will be held in the Board Room at the Parham Building, located at 2644 Riva Road in Annapolis. It is open to the public and subject to normal space limitations in the Board Room.

A complete agenda for the meeting can be found here. More information on agenda items will be posted on the AACPS website in the Board Docs section under the Board of Education tab. Protocols, procedures, and expectations for those attending the meeting can be found here.

The Board will also meet in a public session at 10 a.m. for the sole purpose of voting to immediately go into closed session, during which time it will discuss confidential matters as permitted by the Maryland Open Meetings Act including, but not limited to, legal advice, personnel, and negotiations. Closed session is not open to the public.


The Board will hear public comment from up to 10 total speakers (virtual and in-person combined) per agenda item (excluding personnel items, reports, informational presentations, and recognitions) during a single public comment section in the early portion of the meeting. Additionally, up to 10 speakers can comment on non-agenda items, excluding student-specific or personnel matters, towards the end of the meeting.

Procedures and protocols for public comment can be found here. A link to register for public comment will be live at 3 p.m. on the Friday before a Board meeting.

The general session of the meeting will be broadcast live on AACPS-TV and on AACPS’ YouTube channel. Archived videos of past meetings are available online.


The Board of Education’s Policy Committee will hold a virtual meeting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, 2023. The meeting will not be broadcast, but those wishing to listen to the meeting can listen to it by calling 301-960-3676 and entering the Conference ID 224 720 329#..