We will Never Forget
United States of America #PatriotDay
Hello Families,
The PTA meeting on Wednesday, September 11th will begin at 5:30pm. Thank you for your patience. We look forward to seeing you either in-person or virtually [https://meet.google.com/nzd-vkrz-dim].
Have a great day!
The Fun Run fundraising page is OFFICIALLY open. In school kick off is 9/17 and the Fun Run is on 9/25.
Sign up using this link: https://mybooster.com/v3. To volunteer: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/70A0F4DAEAA2FA7FC1-51070655-rwes .
Thank you!
R Marino
RWES PTA President
Good Afternoon Rippling Woods families,
The Rippling Woods Parent Teacher Association would love for you to join us this Wednesday, September 11th at 5:00pm, in the Rippling Woods cafeteria for our monthly PTA meeting. We hope to share some information about our upcoming Fun Run fundraiser, review of the calendar, the school becoming a community school, and an introduction to our new PTA faces. You are invited to attend any PTA meeting with your children beside you. If you are unable to join in person, you can attend virtually here: https://meet.google.com/nzd-vkrz-dim
We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!
In partnership,
RWES and the PTA Board
The next meeting of the Innovative School Scheduling Workgroup established by Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bedell will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, in the Board Room of the Parham Building, located at 2644 Riva Road in Annapolis.
The workgroup has been created to engage stakeholders in a robust conversation regarding school scheduling in Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) and to consider innovative school scheduling models for implementation in AACPS. It consists of AACPS staff, elected officials, and representatives from community organizations.
Meetings are open to the public and public feedback on innovative school scheduling in AACPS and the work of the workgroup is encouraged. Individuals will be able to provide comment in person or virtually at the end of each workgroup meeting. A total of five speakers will be permitted to speak for three minutes each. Written comment may also be submitted to Grace Wilson, Senior Legislative and Policy Specialist, at gawilson1@aacps.org.
As the group’s work progresses, more information will be posted at www.aacps.org/schedulingworkgroup. Those who cannot attend meetings in person can watch virtually through links found on that page.
This week on Thursday Thought: Dr. Bedell talks about delicious and nutritious school meals and opportunities to join our Food and Nutrition Services team! #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
This week's update regarding staff vacancies that impact school operations for the school year is posted at www.aacps.org/staffvacancies. Please share with someone you know who would be a great addition to our #AACPSFamily to help all students #BelongGrowSucceed.
Back to School Night is on Thursday 9/5 at 6pm
See you there!
Happy Labor Day
In this week's Thursday Thought, Dr. Bedell discusses the benefits of joining your school's PTA, PTO, PTSO, or PTSA. #AACPSFamily #BelongGrowSucceed
This week's update regarding staff vacancies that impact school operations for the school year is posted at www.aacps.org/staffvacancies. Please share with someone you know who would be a great addition to our #AACPSFamily to help all students #BelongGrowSucceed.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Students
#BelongGrowSucceed with us...
Welcome to
Our #AACPSFamily
Welcome Back!
2024-2025 School Year
To sign up to receive email and text message notifications when there are impacts to bus routes, go to www.aacps.org/buses
1 Day Until School Begins!
Have you downloaded our new Mobile App?
Anne Arundel County Public Schools has a new mobile app that makes staying informed easier than ever before. Download today:
-iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/anne-arundel-county-schools/id6480421333
-Android: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=aacps%20app&c=apps&hl=en_US
2 Days Until School Begins!
Have you read the latest Parent and Student handbooks yet? Complete information about programs and student rights and responsibilities can be found in the Parent and Student handbooks. www.aacps.org/parenthandbook www.aacps.org/studenthandbook
Thank you Turner & Townsend INC for the generous supply donation! We love our partners.
Over the weekend please check your child bus stops and times, to confirm your child's dismissal. Routes may have changed.
REMINDER Free clothing giveaway TOMORROW (Recordatorio Para Ropa Gratis mañana) 8/24 10a - 1p @ Arundel Chrisitan Church
A message from Superintendent Dr. Mark Bedell regarding expectations for spectators at athletics events