Anne Arundel County Public Schools will hold three community meetings in the upcoming weeks to further inform residents about Phase 2 of the comprehensive redistricting process and provide additional opportunities for public comment.
Meetings, which are open to the public, will be held at the following times and locations:
6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, at Southern High School
6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9, at the Carol S. Parham Building
6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29, at Annapolis Middle School
· EEEach meeting will feature a brief presentation about the process, timeline and three scenarios developed by consultant WXY, which AACPS has hired for both phases of the redistricting process. Time will then be allocated for up to 30 speakers to provide public comment, with each speaker being given two minutes. To allow for diversity of voices, speakers may only speak at one community meeting.
Those wishing to speak must sign up for the meeting at which they wish to offer comment in advance through links available at Comment will be offered in person only. Registration will close 72 hours before the start of each community meeting.
If more than 30 people sign up to speak at a given meeting, a lottery will be conducted to determine speaking slots. Those who receive a slot to speak will be notified in advance of the meeting at which they will speak. Those who do not receive slots to speak will be able to provide written comments.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mark Bedell will consider input from the meetings and the online tool available here as he prepares to provide a recommendation to the Board of Education in July. The Board will then hold public hearings to solicit even more input prior to adopting a plan in November. Speakers who speak at the community meetings are still eligible to testify at a public hearing. The adopted plan will go into effect in August 2026 for the 2026-2027 school year.
Because of the timing of these community meetings, the deadline for comments through the web tool linked above has been extended to May 15.
Additionally, AACPS has discovered an error in feeder pattern maps that had been displayed on the informational page provided to the public. Those maps have been corrected and are available along with other pertinent information on the process here.