Parent Communication

Did you know that AACPS now has a new mobile app through which you can get all the latest news instantly? In addition to automatically receiving school system notifications, you can select the school or schools of your choice and follow their notifications as well. It's just one more way we're keeping you informed.

So, tell your friends and neighbors. Unlike the Connect-ED system, you don’t have to be a parent, guardian or staff member to get notifications. Daycare providers, family members not on emergency cards, etc., and anyone else who is just interested can all keep up with the latest AACPS news (especially delays and closings!).

Messages are automatically delivered in the language to which the app is set, meaning recipients get messages in a manner that is easiest for them to understand.

Download our free mobile app today by searching for "Anne Arundel County Schools" in the appropriate app store. Once downloaded, do not forget to add Northeast Middle School as one of your home schools.

Did I mention to tell your friends and neighbors? 😊

You can also share and repost our social media postings (done earlier today).
