Unity Day T-shirt

Anne Arundel County Public Schools will continue to celebrate Unity Days quarterly during the 2024-2025 school year. Unity Days are scheduled for October 15, December 10, February 4, and March 18. 

Unity Day is an initiative of the National Bullying Prevention Center designed to foster acceptance and inclusion and eliminate hate and bullying.  As a part of this initiative, the Unity Day participants are encouraged to wear orange to visibly show their commitment against bullying. AACPS stands firm on the importance of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion as we strive to be a school community where everyone can belong, grow, and succeed. Celebration of Unity Days is in direct support of the Board of Education Policy JCCA and Administrative Regulation JCCA-RA regarding bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation.

If you would like to participate and are looking for orange wardrobe options, AACPS Project Unity shirts are now available for purchase. Please place your order by clicking this link no later than Friday, September 27. Please note the vendor’s processing and shipping timeline when placing your order. AACPS makes no profit from the sales of the shirts and purchase is not required for participation.

Thank you!