Early College Access Program (ECAP)

Dual enrollment students graduate with AACC certificates


Student studying in library with AACC sweatshirt

What is ECAP?

Anne Arundel County Public School Schools (AACPS) and Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) are joint sponsors of the Early College Access Programs (ECAP) which allows students to dually enroll in AACC college credit courses at a discount. Additionally, eligible students may dually enroll at no cost under the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (“Blueprint”) statute, which provides funding for students who have met the eligibility requirements (see ECAP Eligibility section below). Note: Students must meet AACC Admissions criteria and all course prerequisites to enroll in the college courses.

ECAP is designed to allow eligible high school students to explore college-level coursework in a variety of academic areas that align with a college degree or certificate. It also includes opportunities for students interested in a noncredit career certificate or license program.

ECAP allows students to invest in their future by beginning the college experience while in high school. Not only do students develop college success habits while taking college classes, but they can also get a jumpstart on their certificate, degree, and/or career.