Frequently Asked Questions

ECAP & Dual Enrollment

What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual enrollment is the term for enrolling in a college course to earn college credits while still enrolled in AACPS.  A dually enrolled student is one who is taking both AACPS and college classes at the same time. 

What is ECAP?
Within Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS), the Early College Access Program (ECAP), is the term for the discount program that applies to enrolling in a college course to earn college credits while still enrolled in AACPS (dual enrollment).

Who can participate in Dual Enrollment?
Students who:

  • Receive parent/guardian and principal approval through the ECAP process and complete all necessary paperwork.

  • Are 16 years of age or older, or meet AACPS' Gifted and Talented eligibility criteria and AACC's under-16 admissions criteria.

  • Are College and Career Ready (CCR), in the 11th or 12th grade (two courses per term) OR possess a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 (one course per term) 

  • Meets AACC course prerequisites and/or minimum placement scores as assessed via ACCUPLACER, ACT, SAT, and/or other approved college readiness measures if appropriate and/or required.

Students should speak to their high school counselor regarding the GPA details and access options related to select high school courses.

What high school graduation credit can be earned through the Dual Enrollment Program?
While many college courses are approved for dual enrollment at no cost, only some are approved for high school credit (dual credit). Please refer to the list of college courses approved by Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) eligible for dual credit. 

What is the process for taking advantage of a Dual Enrollment option?
Contact the high school counselor to initiate the process. High school counselor information can be found on each school's website. Specific deadlines for enrollment are found on the AACC Academic Calendar page. Students applying for this opportunity at AACPS should begin by accessing the AACPS Early College Access Program (ECAP) website for more specific information, procedures, and forms to begin the process.

Do the college courses I take in high school transfer to other colleges?
To review the transferability of college courses between Maryland colleges and universities, visit the Articulation System for Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities website. In addition, AACC has a number of transfer agreements. To learn more visit our Transfer Partnership webpage.  

Who do I contact and/or where do I go for more information about Dual Enrollment?
You may contact your child's high school counselor, or visit AACC College Dual Enrollment webpages for more details about Dual Enrollment procedures and deadlines.

Dual Credit

What is dual credit?
Dual credit is the term for taking a college class while enrolled in AACPS. In addition to the credit earned by successfully completing the college class, a student who received prior approval from their high school earns high school credit for that same college class.

Do all students who complete a college course get high school credit?
No. Each year, AACPS approves a select list of AACC courses that 11th and 12th graders can request to take as dual credit. Students must submit their request through the ECAP process and be approved by their principal prior to registering for the college course at AACC. Once the student successfully completes the AACC course, the student receives credit on both their high school transcript and AACC transcript.

What is the ECAP Grading Policy for Fall 2024- 2025 and beyond?
Designated college courses approved by AACPS for dual credit may allow students to earn both college and high school credits. If a student seeks to earn dual credit, before registering for the college course, a student must obtain prior written consent from the school principal or designee through the ECAP process. 

Grading Criteria:

  • Students who receive an AACC (Anne Arundel Community College) course grade of 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' on their college transcript will be awarded the corresponding letter grade on the high school transcript.

  • Students must complete AACC credit courses with a letter grade of a C or better ('Y' in a noncredit program course) to be deemed successful in a college course.

  • An AACC course grade of 'F', 'FX' or 'I' will be converted to an AACPS (Anne Arundel County Public Schools) grade of 'E' on the high school transcript.

  • High school transcripts will reflect credit for passing grades and no credit for 'F', 'FX', or 'I" grades. These courses will be factored into the student's GPA. Hence, students who fail to complete the AACC courses successfully may not have earned credit towards graduation requirements.

  • Grades earned in college courses for dual credit will be calculated into the high school transcript as a standard grade.

  • Unsuccessful College Course: If a student is unsuccessful in a college course, they should refer to the FAQ page for guidance on the next steps.

What courses are offered through the Dual Enrollment Program?
A list of AACPS approved college courses are found here. To review the transferability of college courses between Maryland colleges and universities, visit the Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities website. For specific information related to college course options at your local high school, or approved lists, go to the ECAP website.

What AACC college courses allow me to earn high school and college credit (dual credit)?
Please refer to the list of college courses approved by Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) eligible for dual credit.  Remember, students must be approved by their principal prior to registering for the college class at AACC in order to be eligible for dual credit. 

Do colleges and universities accept credits earned through dual enrollment?
Credits earned through approved dual enrollment courses may transfer to many Maryland public colleges and universities.  To help predict college course transfer to Maryland public institutions and some private, the ARTSYS system is a helpful planning tool. Like Advanced Placement courses, university policies vary regarding acceptance of transfer credits.  Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college or university of interest to inquire directly about the acceptance of transfer credits. 

Signature Program & Advanced Coursework

What about Signature Programs?
Signature programs are a pipeline to College and Career Readiness designed to eliminate schoolwide opportunity gaps. Students, regardless of their current or prior enrollment in Signature Explorations 1 and/or 2, may take AACC courses as part of a high school's Signature-aligned Pathway at no cost provided that:

  • they meet the individual AACC course prerequisites

  • they have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.0 or better

  • they are at least 16 years old

The designated Signature Pathway courses are the only college courses offered to students at no cost through this differentiated eligibility criteria.

If you have questions or want more information, please get in touch with your child's school counselor.

What courses are offered at my home high school?
College courses offered on the high school site are determined through the Division of Academics. They are associated with specific programs; CTE, Signature, etc. The Signature courses offered may vary by semester per high school. School counselors can discuss specific AACPS courses with students.

What is the difference between Advanced Placement (AP) and a college courses?
The Maryland State Department of Education identifies College Board AP courses as college-like courses taught by high school teachers. Dual Enrollment is taking a college course taught by a college professor. Both college and AP courses offer rigorous options for students.  Students may earn college credit by completing the AP course and identifying scores on the AP exam. Students will earn college credit with the successful completion of college courses. It is recommended that students research any colleges/universities they might attend in the future to determine which accept AP and/or Dual Enrollment course credit. 

Student Eligibility

Who can take college classes at no cost through ECAP?
Students who:

  • Receive parent/ guardian, school counselor and principal approval through the ECAP process and complete all necessary paperwork.

  • Are 16 years of age or older, or meet AACPS' Gifted and Talented eligibility criteria and AACC's under-16 admissions criteria.

  • Are College and Career Ready (CCR) in the 11th or 12th grade (four courses per academic year*) and possess a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or better.

  • Not deemed CCR (one college course per semester), or meet the differentiated eligibility criteria through the Signature Program pathways.

  • Meet AACC course prerequisites and/or minimum placement scores as assessed via ACCUPLACER, ACT, SAT, and/or other approved college readiness measures if appropriate and/or required.

Students should speak to their high school counselor regarding the high school GPA requirements and access options related to select high school courses.

*Note: An academic year is Fall, Spring, and Summer semester.

Can students 16 years of age or younger participate in the ECAP Program to take college courses at no cost?
Students who are entering or are currently enrolled in 8th through 10th grade who have been formally identified as Gifted and Talented (G/T) by AACPS may be approved to participate in ECAP if they have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 or better. Students under 16 must also meet AACC's under-16 admission criteria.

Students under the age of 16 must obtain the approval of the Director of Workforce Development. Gifted and Talented students are limited to taking one college course per term (Fall or Spring/Summer), maximum of 2 per year. Please see eligibility requirements on the ECAP for Gifted & Talented Students page.

If you are uncertain as to whether or not your child meets G/T identification, refer to the Advanced Learner Program website. High School Counselors can also help to determine a student's G/T designation.

What are the program guidelines?
Students must be in 11th and 12th grade and have met the CCR standard. Students can take up to two college courses per semester only.

If an 11th and 12th grader with an unweighted cumulative GPA of a 3.0 and does not qualify with a CCR designation, then they are able to sign up for one college course per semester only.

What AACC college courses can I take if I am not eligible to participate at no cost?
If not approved for dual enrollment at no cost, students who meet AACC’s admissions criteria may still dually enroll in any AACC courses for which they are eligible.  Students may submit a high school tuition discount request form for a 25% tuition discount on AACC credit courses. 


Is transportation provided for students going to the college campus to take a course?
Students are responsible for providing their own transportation. However, in senior year students enrolled in Signature Program Pathway courses on college campuses, have transportation options provided by AACPS, or they can self-transport.

AACC Attendance & Performance

When do the terms begin and what are the registration deadlines?
AACC lists important dates for current and upcoming terms on their Academic Calendar.

What happens if a student stops attending a college course and does not officially withdraw or drop a course?
The student will fail the course, and the failure will be noted on the college transcript.  This may impact a student's ability to secure financial aid in the future.  Because the college, in accordance with FERPA(Family Educational Rights Privacy Act), does not notify the parents/caregivers of course progress, it is important to monitor the student's academic progress throughout the term. 

Students who do not achieve a grade of C or higher may not be approved for funding to enroll in another AACC course unless they can demonstrate extenuating circumstances. In such cases, the student and their family must submit a formal request to the the Director of Workforce Development.

What happens if a student fails or is unsuccessful in a college course?
AACPS will not approve payment for additional college classes for students who do not achieve a grade of "C" or higher in a completed college class ('Y' for noncredit program courses) unless the student can demonstrate extenuating circumstances. Similarly, students who withdraw from AACC classes after the drop period will not receive funding from AACPS for any further classes unless the student can demonstrate extenuating circumstances. In such cases, the student and their family must submit a formal request to the Director of Workforce Development.

What if my child wants to drop or withdraw from an AACC course?
All high school students who do not intend to complete a college course in which they are enrolled - for any reason - must follow the college guidelines to drop or withdraw from an AACC course.  There are different timelines for credit and non-credit courses. Please review the information associated with dropping and withdrawing from a college course on AACC's Drop and Withdrawals website to ensure that students do not miss a deadline that could have a negative impact on a student's transcript, a potential refund, or a student's ability to be approved by AACPS to participate in ECAP at no cost.

Books & Materials for AACC Courses

Does the student have to pay for books and other required course materials?
No. Courses that are covered by ECAP funding include covering the cost of all required materials/supplies/books. The AACC bookstore will ship the materials for the course to the student's address on file. Students should check the address they have on file in their MyAACC account.

If the course materials are digital, directions on how to access will be sent to the student's AACC email address.

What if I did not receive my required materials for the ECAP course?
Any questions about materials should first be directed to the AACC bookstore. If that does not resolve the issue, reach out to your school counselor or AACC transition advisor.

I bought the materials for the course; can I be reimbursed?
No. Unfortunately, AACPS cannot reimburse you for the purchase of materials. If your course is approved for ECAP funding, do not purchase materials. They will be provided to you via mail delivery or virtual email from AACC.

College Curriculum & Faculty

Does AACPS determine the college curriculum?
AACPS does not determine the college curriculum but does evaluate it annually if it has been approved for high school credit (dual credit).  AACC is solely responsible for determining each college course's curriculum and instructional materials.

Does AACPS supervise, hire, or evaluate the college professors?
No.  AACC is responsible for selecting, hiring and paying the college professors. 

Homeschool & Private School Students

Are homeschooled and private school students eligible to dually enroll and take college classes at no cost?

No. Only students who are included in a Local Education Agency State Aid foundation enrollment are eligible to participate at no cost. However, AACC applies a 25% discount to public school students, which is extended to eligible homeschool and private school students. For more information about homeschooled and private school students, please see AACC's ECAP for Private School and Home-School Students.

Parent/ Guardian Access to Courses

Can a parent/guardian monitor their student's progress in the college course?
FERPA (Family Educational Rights Privacy Act) applies to all students enrolled in college courses, regardless of the age of the student. Therefore, communication regarding the college course is only between the student and the college. Students are responsible for monitoring their educational progress and communicating with their AACC professors through their AACC email account and through their Canvas course, accessed through MyAACC. Families should create systems within their households to discuss progress and to identify if support services are needed.

Will parents/guardians be informed of a student's enrollment and performance in a college course?
Parent/guardian(s), counselors, and principals must approve the student's college course(s) through the ECAP process; however, per FERPA, all communication from the college will be addressed to the student. It is the responsibility of students to share all information regarding performance and college course progress with their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians are encouraged to be actively involved in the application and registration process with their child and create systems within their households to discuss progress and identify if resources for support are needed.


What resources can a student access at the college if they are dually enrolled?
A high school student can access all resources for support available to a college student (Library, free tutoring at the Tutoring Center, Writing Center, online databases, Virtual Writing Center, etc). 

Who do I contact and/or where do I go for more information?
You may contact your child's high school counselor and visit AACPS's ECAP or AACC's Dual Enrollment webpages for more details about dual enrollment procedures and deadlines.

Does AACC have resources to support students with a disability?
Yes, students who wish to disclose a disability must work with AACC’s Disability Support Services (DSS) to establish  accommodation(s) at AACC. Accommodations for college classes may be different from those provided by AACPS. More information can be found in AACC's DSS Manual.