What is PTO?
The Glen Burnie Park Elementary PTO is a non-profit organization with the purpose of supporting the education of children at GBPE by fostering relationships among the school, parents, and teachers and staff.
Who can join?
Any parent/guardian of a GBPE student may become a member, as well as any person employed at GBPE.
What does our PTO do?
The PTO of GBPE has a long history of supporting our students, families and staff with fun family events like our Monster Bingo and Breakfast with Santa. We support our staff and students by providing bus funding for field trips in turn lowering the cost to each student, as well as support the funding of school wide green folders, First in Math prizes, and 5th grade promotion and end of year gifts. We support our staff as needed and requested with materials benefiting our many students and provide small tokens of appreciation and support throughout the year.
Why should I join the PTO?
Among many benefits of joining a few include better communication with school events. By joining the PTO your email and contact will be recorded so that we can provide the most up to date information on any of our upcoming events. It is the best way for your voice to be heard. We are not looking for you to give hours and hours of time, although your help is ALWAYS accepted and very appreciated, but more to have open lines of communication so that the organization can best support your family. By joining you are entitled to be a voting member on any topics that would require a general membership vote, and when attending the meetings you are able to voice your ideas and suggestions for what you want to see from our school and organization. We are here for our staff! We are here for our kids! We are here for you!

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