
The Anne Arundel Evening High School (AAEHS) is an educational option offered by Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) as an alternate pathway to high school graduation. Any AACPS student who is under 21 and interested in completing all or some of their high school graduation requirements in the evening may attend Anne Arundel Evening High School.

A student must be 16 to transfer to AAEHS as a full-time student. Students under the age of 16 must be currently enrolled in an AACPS comprehensive school if they want to transfer to AAEHS. Credits earned by successfully completing AAEHS courses count toward fulfilling the Maryland High School Diploma requirements. AAEHS will provide service continuums and support to students with disabilities.

Belief Statement

Our belief statements reaffirm our unwavering commitment to our students and ourselves by providing a secure foundation for our shared journey.

We believe…

  • Students can learn regardless of their different backgrounds or circumstances.

  • Students deserve an environment of unconditional acceptance and a supportive network that will foster success.

  • Students deserve to experience an education in a safe and orderly environment that allows each student to achieve their true potential.

  • Students feel empowered by participating in developing their graduation and academic success plans.

  • Students prepare to transition to post-graduation opportunities such as college and career opportunities.

  • Anne Arundel Evening High School administration and instructional community models responsibility, respect, and collaboration.

  • Highly effective teachers recognize unique learning styles and maximize potential.

  • Highly effective teachers continue professional development, ensuring they have the skills necessary to meet the needs of diverse learners. 


Anne Arundel Evening High School's mission is to:

• Recognize individual differences and learning styles

• Successfully prepares students to transition to post-secondary education and the workforce.

• Empower students to be self-confident life-long learners who serve as active citizens engaging in a reciprocal relationship with their community.


Anne Arundel Evening High School's unique setup of six on-site and one virtual eSchool campus is dedicated to serving a culturally and economically diverse population. This commitment is a testament to our respect and value for everyone within our community.

Anne Arundel Evening High School is dedicated to collaborative learning, emphasizing mastery learning and differentiated instruction throughout the curriculum, ensuring that every stakeholder feels included and part of a team striving for common core learning goals.

The clear vision of Anne Arundel Evening High School is to provide students with renewed opportunities for success, instilling confidence in our stakeholders about the school's commitment to student success. As a result, students will earn a high school diploma and meet national reading, writing, and math standards.