Middle School Athletics

Meet the Coaches Night

Monday, March 3rd - 5:30pm
Crofton Middle School Cafeteria

Girls Head Coach - Coach Kevin Castillo
Girls Assistant Coach - Coach Rebecca Yoblin

Boys Head Coach - Coach Dale Kershaw
Boys Assistant Coach - Coach Griffin Greene

Girls Spring Soccer

Girls Head Coach - Coach Kevin Castillo
Girls Assistant Coach- Coach Rebecca Yoblin

Girls Tryouts/Practices:
Monday, March 3rd - 4pm-6pm
Wednesday, March 5th - 4pm-6pm

After Tryouts, all practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm.

 **Students will stay at school, change into practice clothes, and go right out to practice when the bell dismisses at 3:55pm.**

Boys Spring Soccer

Boys Head Coach- Coach Dale Kershaw
Boys Assistant Coach- Coach Griffin Greene

Boys Tryouts/Practices:
Monday, March 3rd - 4pm-5:30pm
Tuesday, March 4th - 4pm-5:30pm

1st Practice on Thursday, March 6th - 4pm-5:30pm
(this may be an extra tryout day, if needed)

After Tryouts, practices will be held Monday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 4pm-5:30pm until games begin.  Coach will notify you of practice days/times.

 **Students will stay at school, change into practice clothes, and go right out to practice when the bell dismisses at 3:55pm.**

Registration and Information

Crofton Middle School is excited to announce that Middle School athletics are back!
We will be starting this spring with boys and girls soccer!

 Middle School Athletics One Page Information

 To register for the Spring Soccer Season, students must have the following:

 1.      Be officially registered and attend the school you are authorized to attend.  (Crofton MS)

 2.      Physical Evaluation completed by their Medical Provider dated AFTER June 1, 2024.

Pre-Participation Paperwork

 3.      Must maintain a “C” average or better.  (2.0 or higher)

 Spring Sports eligibility is based on the 2nd marking period report card grades

Additional eligibility information and FAQs can be found here: Eligibility Information

Middle School registration will be available January 6, 2025, and continue through February 27, 2025.  Paperwork must be submitted to Ms. Laura Barrett, Athletic Manager. No late paperwork will be accepted.

For additional information, please go to https://www.aacps.org/page/athletics and scroll down to “Middle School Sports”.

Any questions?

Please email Ms. Laura Barrett - lmbarrett@aacps.org or Mr. Ty Bosnjak - tbosnjak@aacps.org