Health Room

The CMS health room is staffed by a school nurse and a full time health assistant. The health assistant is qualified to give medication and administer first aid as needed to our students. As a general rule, the health room should be used for the following conditions: medication administration, injuries, illness, which includes symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, severe headache, rashes, or other skin conditions. 

Zero Tolerance Drug Policy

Anne Arundel County Public Schools has a zero tolerance drug policy. Per Board of Education Policy: Students are not permitted to take medication outside of office area. No student is permitted to have ANY medication in a locker or in his/her possession while on school property. This includes prescription and non-prescription medication (i.e., Tylenol, Advil, eye drops, and cough drops). This excludes asthma inhalers when specified for self-carry/self administer, Epi-Pens, and Insulin. These medications may be carried by the student if specific authorization is received from the physician. Violation of this policy will result in suspension or expulsion from school. (See the Code of Student Conduct.) If your child needs to take any medicine while at school, please have your health care provider fill out a Parents Request to Administer Medication at School Form and bring the form and the medicine to the Health Room. Prescription medicine must be in the original pharmacy container. Tylenol or other such products should be in the original sealed container (small generic bottles work well). Please do not hesitate to contact the nurse if you have any questions about the medication policy.