Teacher Leadership

empowering leaders, woman smiling

AACPS remains committed to Elevating All Students and Eliminating all Gaps.  By investing in the development of highly effective teachers and teacher leaders, we recognize teachers who use student data, reflect on their practice and engage in professional learning to enhance their knowledge and skills in an effort to increase student learning in their classrooms, at their schools, and in our school district.

AACPS teachers believe they are valued as teacher leaders and actively participate in making decisions that impact teaching and learning at the school level.  AACPS is proud of their teacher workforce and value them as a critical asset in contributing to student academic achievement.  The AACPS Career Path to Teacher Leadership is an avenue to provide professional learning to support our teachers as they advance into instructional leaders.  

Teacher Leadership Team

Julie Cares

Director of Leadership Development

Catherine Steen

Leadership and Professional Development Specialist