Student Device Loaner Program
AACPS Student Device Loaner Program
AACPS will continue to provide student devices for use as an instructional tool throughout the school day. The AACPS Student Device Loaner Program provides a device to students that need a device to support learning at home. If approved for participation in the program, students will be assigned a Chromebook. Students in grades 3 through 12 should transport their loaner device back and forth to school each day.
For Parents/Guardians - How to sign up
Parents requesting a device from the Student Device Loaner Program must complete the form in PowerSchool Parent Portal and acknowledge the AACPS Student Loaner Device Program Terms and Conditions to start the process. Once all information is received, your application will be reviewed by a School Administrator and approved or denied based on demonstrated need.
PLEASE NOTE: AACPS is providing families with an additional opportunity to sign up for a device through this program as we head into the winter weather season. Sign up below prior to Friday, January 31, 2025, to participate.
Parent Portal Directions to sign up for the AACPS Student Device Loaner Program (versión en español).
Parents/Guardians without a Parent Portal account may reach out directly to their student’s school to begin the process, or you may sign up for a Parent Portal account.
Optional Device Insurance for AACPS Loaner Devices
AACPS has partnered with Securranty to offer an optional low-cost insurance plan for student issued devices. If you are interested in purchasing insurance, please review AACPS Student Device Insurance (versión en español) for more information or visit the Securranty website to purchase your policy.
Insurance is only recommended for students participating in the AACPS Student Device Loaner Program. The policy covers the device for the school year and does not cover intentional damage.
As stated in the AACPS Student Loaner Device Program Terms and Conditions, parents/guardians are responsible for loss and damage to their device if the device is not insured. Parents/guardians may be required to pay for the replacement or repair of the device before another device is issued.
AACPS Student Loaner Device Program Terms and Conditions (versión en español)
Chromebook FAQs:
Average cost of a repair is $110.
Total device replacement is what is our current price on our master agreement based on model availability.
Cost of a replacement charger is more than the cost of the insurance.
Insurance is only for students participating in the AACPS Student Device Loaner Program
Insurance is good for the school year and would need to be purchased on an annually.
Insurance covers any serial number YOUR student is issued so they should keep track of THEIR issued device. This will be checked when you file a claim.
How to file an insurance claim on my students broken device?
After you attempt the troubleshooting tips below or if you have accidental damage, you can submit a claim for your repair.
To submit a claim, log into Securranty and follow the prompts on the screen or call Securranty, 24/7 at 832-304-2015, and one of their representatives can assist you in English or Spanish. Click here for claim submission PDF directions or view the videos for Staff or Parent.
If you have insurance, the Technology Support Technician will replace your device AFTER you file the claim as the claim needs to be attached to the serial number being repaired.
💡Caring for my Chromebook