Spanish for Native Speakers
Spanish for Native Speakers is designed specifically for native or heritage speakers of Spanish who already have some oral language proficiency.
Spanish for Native Speakers 1
Spanish for Native Speakers 1 is designed specifically for native or heritage speakers of Spanish who already have some oral language proficiency. The purpose of this course is to enable students whose heritage language is Spanish to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in especially in reading and writing.
Spanish for Native Speakers 2
Spanish for Native Speakers 2 is designed specifically for native or heritage speakers of Spanish who have developed language proficiency in reading, listening, writing, and speaking in academic settings. The purpose of this course is to continue the development of reading and writing proficiency. Students will be introduced to Hispanic literature in different forms to learn more about the cultures and people that represent Hispanic and Latino cultures.
Spanish for Native Speakers 3
Spanish for Native Speakers 3 is designed specifically for native and heritage speakers of Spanish who have a strong language proficiency in reading, listening, writing, and speaking in academic settings and other forums. Students study global issues to examine their place in the world and how they can make contributions to their community locally and globally.