Middle School Physical Education Overview
(Grades 6-8)
All students in grades six, seven, and eight will be scheduled for Physical Education for a minimum of 45 days each year. The secondary physical education program provides students with developmentally and instructionally appropriate activities that promote a physically active lifestyle. The physical education environment is supportive and inclusive of all students while fostering the development of a positive self-image and a respect for others. The fitness-based program focuses on the whole child and includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components through activities to include dance & rhythm, individual performances, outdoor/lifetime pursuits, games and sports. The physical education environment is supportive of all students and promotes the development of a positive self-image and, a respect for others.
The State of Maryland requires all PreK-12 grade students to have access to Physical Education. However, there are modifications that can be made based on physical limitations or medical conditions of the student. The unique and specific needs of individuals with disabilities may require accommodations and strategies to provide effective instruction in Physical Education. Please see the Adapted Physical Education webpage for more information.
If a student has a medical condition that may require accommodations in physical education, please share the AACPS Physical Assessment Form with the student's specialist or physician so that an Individualized Physical Education Action Plan may be created for the student to safely and successfully participate in physical education.
All students are expected to wear appropriate attire during physical education classes for the purpose of ensuring the safety and hygiene of each participant. This practice continues to be an important component of the physical education program.