Did you know that when you apply for Free & Reduced-Price Meals, your student and your family can qualify for other benefits, such as scholarships and reduced or free college tuition?

Apply for free or reduced-price meals

Benefits of Applying for Free & Reduced-Price Meals
It's about more than lunch!

Los beneficios de solicitar para beneficios de comidas
¡Se trata de algo más que el almuerzo!
¿Sabía que cuando solicita comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido, su estudiante y su familia pueden calificar para otros beneficios, como becas y matrícula universitaria gratuita o reducida?
Vídeo: ¡Obtenga más información sobre estos beneficios importantes!
Application Process
Previously, a paper application was sent home on the first day of school to all students and online applications were accepted. The online process has proven to be faster and more accurate, is available in English and Spanish, and can be completed on a computer or smartphone. We will continue to provide paper applications for parents without access to smart phones/computers. Please note that the amount of paper applications is limited.
Instructions To Apply for Free or Reduced-Price Meals (how-to videos below)
Apply online any time during the school year after August 1, 2024.
All information is confidential
Once the online application is submitted and validated, the eligibility status of your child(ren) will be sent home.
Online meal benefit applications are fast, easy and determined within a few days.
Video: Free & Reduced-Price Meals Application
Vídeo: Solicitud de Comidas Gratuitas o a Precio Reducido