Your Voice Matters

The CRASC Legislative Department follows the Maryland General Assembly from January through April and advocates on behalf of AACPS students on bills that could impact you. 

Check out the links below for resources on how to contact your local, state, and federal representatives and also how to advocate for yourself!

You also have access to a Pronouns Email Template, which guides you on how to reach out to teachers and encourage them to use your preferred pronouns. 

Tips & Examples for Advocating in Writing

Pronoun Email Template

A positive action you can take is to reach out to your teachers and encourage them to share their own preferred pronouns and to use their students preferred pronouns when addressing them. To promote this action, CRASC is providing a template email drafted by former CRASC officer that you can share with your teachers. 

Pride Month email template

More resources:

Tips to write letters or emails to your legislators from the American Civil Liberties Union

Letters and faxes are an extremely effective way of communicating with your elected officials. Many legislators believe that a letter represents not only the position of the writer but also many other constituents who did not take the time to write.


Maryland Student Leadership

Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC)

The mission of MASC is to foster a statewide environment for all secondary school students to express and exchange opinions and ideas,develop leadership skills, and promote student representation and involvement in all groups and organizations impacting the lives of students. To see that this is done efficiently and effectively, the Maryland Association of Student Councils hosts several events throughout the school year.

Contact Your School Board Member

Anne Arundel County Councilmember logo

Maryland State Senator - Delegate logo

United States Senator logo

United States Representative